The Alchemist – A novel for Dreamers

When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.

-The Alchemist

When I started reading this book, I was in a dilemma whether to read it or not because whenever you start reading a popular book, your expectations are very high and at the end, you feel disappointed if the content doesn’t meet your expectations. I had heard a few things about this book like the pace of the book is very slow, it’s like a fairy tale etc.

My experience of the book is completely different from many other people. I was able to relate with the protagonist, a shepherd, who wanted to achieve Personal Legend in his life. He sold his flocks of sheep and went to the pyramids for obtaining the treasure.

His journey had various ups and downs. He was robbed twice but what I liked was his belief system. He was not sure if he would get the treasure or not. Although he knew that had he taken his steps back then he would have to live his life like the previous times.

Protagonist believed in the universe and the omens which he came to know from an old man. He kept taking up challenges to achieve his Personal Legend and ended up achieving it.

Personally, this book has given me more motivation and strength to achieve something in life instead of following the same old path.

If you need the motivation to achieve something extraordinary in your life,  I recommend this book to all of you.

A must-read book for dreamers.

“The secret of happiness is to see all the marvels of the world, and never to forget the drops of oil on the spoon.”

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